List of Equipment

S.No Description Quantity Status
1 Hiā€”Target V90 GNSS RTK System One Base, Two Rover, Post Processing Software, RTK Software, and all other related Accessories Excellent
2 Total Station= SOKKIA CX105 Reflector less Electronic Total Station, S/N TN 1866 2 Excellent
3 Electrical Concrete Mixers, 2 bags, 1 bag 6 Excellent

Steel shuttering

800 m2 Excellent
5 Water tank 350 ltr 3 Excellent
6 Water pump, Honda 3 Excellent
7 Generator 50 kw 2 Excellent
8 Vibrators 5 Excellent
9 Compactors 4 Excellent
10 Conexs, 40 ft 4 Excellent
11 Piles (Jacks) 240 Excellent
12 V 90 RTK, Tow Rovers, One Base including other 2 Excellent
13 Total Station 630 r 4 Excellent
14 Level Machine Sokkia 3 Excellent
15 Theodolite Sokkia 2 Excellent
16 Hand GPS 3 Excellent